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5 Ways to Make Friends in a New Church

Making new friends is not always easy. Matter-of-fact, it can be downright excruciating when you are the newbie at a new church. However, there are some easy ways to do it if you'll just take the time. Let's get a better look:

First, get involved. I know that sounds cliché or perhaps too easy, but it's true. New friends will likely not come to you. You have to seek people out and get to know them. So, join a Sunday School class. Start attending church activities. Strike up conversations with those sitting around you. It's quite possible that the ones you choose to say hello to are also looking for connections.

Second, donate your time and talents. Can you write? Do you have office skills? Can you run a camera? Like to sing? Enjoy landscaping? Then volunteer to help where needed using those giftings God has given to you. As you do, friendships will begin to form with others in those areas.

Third, volunteer to be a greeter or work at your church welcome center. This is one of the best areas to meet other people and get to know them by name. Plus, the more you are visible, the more quickly they will learn who you are as well.

Fourth, make a point to meet one new person every week. If you are an introvert like me, then this will not come natural. However, I assure you that after several weeks of putting forth the effort, the easier it will become.

Finally, invite someone to coffee or lunch. You don't even have to clean your house! Go somewhere else. Ask them to meet you at the local coffee shop or plan a playdate with the kiddos at the park. The more time for conversation, the quicker the friendship will begin to build.

Making friends, especially for adults, is not easy. We've almost lost the art of it as we've become so dependent on social media and a click of a button to make those connections happen. Yet, when you and I put ourselves out there and begin making the effort to pour into others, we begin to realize just how valuable friendships really are. Let's pray about it.

Dear God, I know that You created us to be in fellowship with one another. You desire us to have those friendships that can be a support, encouragement, and a source of joy. Please give us the courage and the wisdom to know how to make those friendships, and connect us with the right people at just the right time. In Your precious name, Amen.

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