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World Leaving You Empty?

I've been leading a women's Bible study in my home each week for half a year now, and last week's lesson revolved around a woman with an empty jar...and life. Can you relate?

Perhaps you are not familiar with this woman I am referring to. Her story can be found in the Gospel of John, Chapter 4.

She was a Samaritan woman, which already created the perfect storm for disdain from the Jews, but worse than that, she was a woman with a past. She had been married five times and was living with a guy who wasn't her husband.

The other women of the town looked down upon her, for scripture tells us that she came to the well at the sixth hour, which was around noon time. This would have been the hottest part of the day to walk all that distance with those heavy water jugs.

She apparently wanted to avoid all the stares and snide remarks. Yet, this particular day, there would be someone waiting for her at the well. Someone who would tell her everything she had ever done. Someone who had to go through Samaria.

That person was Jesus. Typically any God-fearing Jew would go all the way around Samaria just to get to the regions of Judea or Galilee, but not Jesus. He knew that this particular woman needed to know that Someone loved her...really loved her, and that He could give her living water that would satisfy her inner drought.

So the question for you is this: Is the world leaving you empty? Have you tried all the things to satisfy that inner restlessness, but nothing seems to dull the pain long enough or lift the weight?

Well, you've come to the right place. I just happen to know the One who has been waiting for you at the well. He knows your worldly "jars" are empty and He has the living water that will quench that insatiable thirst. Why not take Him at His word?

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